We originally set up a WhatsApp group during the Coronavirus lockdown so that Out on Sunday members could keep in touch and support each other during those difficult times. We’re hoping that this will continue to be a useful way to maintain contact and maybe share ideas for future walks or things to do as an organised group. More informally it can be used to invite another member to share a walk with you or to arrange lifts for Sunday walks.
We’d like to keep the group broadly based on our regular activities, exchanging messages, photos etc relating to walking /outdoor activities and general social contact. The group isn’t monitored. So, if you are intending to post a “humorous” item please bear in mind the feelings of other group members and that “funny” is very subjective. Obviously, anything even remotely NSFW is not appropriate!
The WhatsApp group is intended to supplement the web site which will still be maintained and updated, and will continue to be the main channel of communication with members.
Some points to note:
You can only join the group when you have taken part in a group walk.
Your phone number will be visible to all other group members.
Other information eg your name and profile photo may be visible, depending on your WhatsApp privacy settings.
Anything that you post to the group will be visible to all group members – don’t post any sensitive information or anything that you’re not happy to share with everybody.
You can “mute” notifications from the group if you find them intrusive.
You can leave the group at any time. If you are no longer a member of Out on Sunday you will also have to leave the WhatsApp group.
The WhatsApp group is completely separate to the OOS website – the only information held by OOS is members’ email addresses. Phone numbers are only used for walk / event bookings and they are not stored on the website or retained by OOS (unless legally required eg for NHS test and Trace).
Only join the group if you are happy with all the above.
Send an email to general@outonsunday.co.uk subject : WhatsApp Group with your mobile phone number, stating that you have read and understand these notes. If you don’t have WhatsApp on your phone you will need to download it from the Google or Apple app store.
Alternatively, just ask any of the walk leaders who will be happy to point you in the right direction.