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This year’s programme features a record thirty walks! This is thanks to all those who have offered to lead them. As usual the walks range from the easy to the more demanding (without being too strenuous) and we hope that everyone will find something to suit them. Although the programme is full just now, gaps do appear as the year progresses. So if you have a walk you would like to offer, then please do contact us.

You will find the full programme here

This is a special year for Out on Sunday: it is our Twentieth Anniversary. The first walk was on Sunday 28 June 1998 in Heaton Park, Manchester. We are planning to mark the occasion by re-creating the walk and celebrating the event in the park on Sunday 24 June. Watch out for further details.

Our annual Weekend Away this year will be 15 to 17 June in Coniston. It’s some years since we were in The Lakes so we hope this will be a popular location. See the separate notice for more details.

Happy Walking