Out on Sunday logo


Rod L


This is a 4 mile walk which is steep in parts up to the Tower but commanding views are obtained from the Tower itself which is open for anybody who has the energy and enthusiasm to climb the stairs to the viewing balconies.

Walking boots are recommended.

Start Point and Time

The starting point is The Royal Arms pub at 12.30pm. The pub postcode is BB3 0PA.

Directions to Start

Leave the M60 at Junction 15 taking the M61 exit to Preston/Wigan/Bolton. Continue onto the M61 Keep right following signs for the A666. Continue onto St Peter’s WayA666. Turn left onto Belmont Road/A675 and continue to follow this onto Crookfield Road. Continue onto Tockholes Road. After 1.5 miles the Royal Arms is on your right. Free parking is available in the pub car park and at the bus turning circle. 


To be advised