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Tree dedication in memory of Derek Hurst – 31 March 2017

Derek, who was the leader of the Out on Sunday walk group for many years and also a very dear friend of many members, sadly passed away in March 2016.  He is greatly missed and as a fitting tribute members of Out on Sunday were invited to contribute towards the cost of planting a tree dedicated to his memory at Tatton Park – one of Derek’s favourite walks and one which has become an annual November walk for the group. 

The cost of the tree dedication via Tatton’s Dedicated Tree scheme was £400 but as a sign of the affection in which Derek was held by so many, a total of £1200 was raised – more than covering the cost of the Dedicated Tree.  As requested by David, Derek’s partner, the remainder of the sum raised was donated to St Anne’s Hospice where Derek was cared for in his last days. 

David was able to choose the location of the tree, it’s at Duck Spinney by Tatton Mere – a beautiful spot looking out over the lake and one which Derek would have liked very much. It is at a point on the route the Noveber walk usually takes so we will be able to visit the tree and see it grow as a lasting memorial to Derek and contributing to the landsacpe of the park for many years to come. The tree is a White Poplar and was planted to replace one which has fallen on this spot.  Details of the tree dedication and location within the park are registered in a memorial/dedication book which is kept in the Park’s archives, held in the house.

After the tree planting there was a visit to a local pub for lunch and refreshments to celebrate Derek’s life.

Many many thanks to those who contributed. Your support is very much appreciated, particularly by David, Derek’s partner.