ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Monday 17 January 2022
The Constitution (clause 3.1) provides for the management of Out on Sunday by a Committee of trustees which comprises Chair, Secretary, Treasurer (“the officers”) and up to four other trustees.
Nomination of the Committee 
Any eligible member may nominate another member to be elected to the committee. If you wish to nominate someone for the committee you must firstly have their permission and you must have another member who will “second” the nomination.
Nominations must be sent by email to general@outonsunday.co.uk by the closing date. The email must include the following information:
Proposer  – yourself
Nominee – the person standing for election
Role – Chair, Secretary, Treasurer or ordinary Trustee
A member may be nominated for more than one role but may only be elected to one. 
Election to the Committee.
The members of the committee will be appointed by election at the AGM *. The election will be by a show of hands. In any dispute over the election the Chair’s decision will be final and in the event of a tie in the votes cast the Chair will have a casting vote.
The committee may appoint trustees to fill vacancies arising between AGMs
Out on Sunday – management committee
Role profiles and responsibilities 
 All members of the committee are trustees of Out on Sunday (OoS) and carry equal responsibility for its proper running. Some have general responsibilities whilst others have specific roles. The Chair, Secretary and Treasurer are elected at the AGM
Role: Trustee
Purpose of the role: to be a guardian of OoS promoting its aims and activities, whilst making sure it acts within the terms of its Constitution and applicable legal requirements 
Main responsibilities
sharing the running of OoS through the committee
ensuring that decisions are carried out and concerns are properly dealt with
taking on specific tasks determined with the committee
What we need from you
team player with sound and impartial judgement
good social skills and an appreciation of the benefits of group walking
knowledge and experience which may be applied to the benefit of OoS
understanding of the role of a Trustee, familiarity with the Out on Sunday’s (OoS) Constitution and a commitment to principles of equality and diversity 
What you will be doing:
regularly attending meetings, working with other trustees and joining walks
reporting members’ concerns and suggestions to the Committee
representing OoS externally, when asked by the Committee
carrying out projects for the Committee, especially where a Trustee’s particular knowledge or experience can be applied
Role: Chair 
Purpose of the role: to provide leadership and direction to OoS in delivering programmes of walks and associated activities compatible with its aims
Main responsibilities
making and achieving plans and arranging activities as agreed by the Committee 
leading committee and other meetings making sure they are held in a proper manner
promoting the aims of OoS by encouraging discussion, decision-making and conduct which is respectful, efficient and inclusive
being the figurehead of OoS and its main external representative
What we need from you: 
effective leadership, communication and interpersonal skills 
good networking skills 
an ability to effectively chair meetings  by motivating and engaging with Committee members and managing discussion at meetings 
a forward-looking attitude in relation to OoS aims
knowledge of OoS Constitution, relevant codes of conduct, policies and procedures 
Role: Treasurer 
Purpose of the role: To manage the finances of OoS within applicable standards of good practice 
Main responsibilities:
making applications for funding and monitoring budgets for the committee 
controlling access to OoS bank accounts 
ensuring  the collection of all money due to OoS and the payment of all expenses properly incurred
recording financial transactions and making regular checks with the bank account
preparing financial reports and information as required by the committee
managing affiliations to other groups
What we need from you: 
numerate and at ease with figures, with a methodical and organised approach 
commitment to the need for transparency and accountability with  the funds you handle 
computer-literate; able to manage figures using a spreadsheet; and to access financial information the internet.
Role: Secretary
Purpose of the role: to organise the safe and effective delivery of OoS activities through sound decision-making and
appropriate running systems
Main responsibilities:
arranging meetings and recording decisions
managing the annual programme of walks and other activities; and liaising with walk leaders and organisers 
maintaining membership records and handling member enquiries 
dealing with OoS correspondence 
ensuring that OoS activities are compliant with the Constitution and relevant external regulations 
supporting the Chair in developing OoS and raising its profile.
What we need from you: 
well-organised with good administration skills
team-player, able to build good relationships with other trustees and members 
awareness of the contributions in time and energy made by fellow volunteers 
computer literate, comfortable with main applications and the internet.  