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Out on Sunday’s Planning meeting and 2024 AGM

January 20 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Out on Sunday – Notice of Annual General Meeting
To all Out on Sunday members

The 2024 Annual General Meeting will be held at 7:00 PM Monday 20 January

At the Holiday Inn, Manchester City Centre, 25 Aytoun Street, Manchester, M1 3AE.

All Out on Sunday members (those who were full members as at 31 December 2024) are invited to attend and are eligible to vote at the meeting.  It is hoped that the business of the meeting will be concluded not later than 8:45 PM.

The main purpose of the AGM is to ensure that all members are able to have a say in the running of the group and its activities for the year ahead. 

We aim to do this by:

(i) Electing trustees for 2025 – All members are eligible to stand for election to the management committee either as officers (chair, treasurer, walks secretary and membership secretary) or trustees. Members may also nominate other members for these positions.  Please note that all existing trustees will resign at the meeting but may stand for election again.

(ii) Agreeing the walks programme for the year – Some walks have already been offered and are on the website.

(iii) Deciding the date and location of our summer weekend away – If you have a suggestion for the 2025 weekend away please let us know. You would need to speak briefly about your suggestion and be prepared to organise the weekend away.

(iv) Voting on any resolutions put to the meeting. If you have anything that you would like to be discussed at the AGM please advise as soon as possible. There will be an opportunity to discuss other matters under “any other business” at the end of the meeting but if you have a substantive item for discussion please notify before the meeting so that time can be allocated for discussion.

If you have any suggestions for walks or the weekend away; have any item you would like discussed at the meeting or wish to nominate someone (or yourself) as an officer or trustee, please bear in mind that while any of these can be done at meeting, those given in advance save time at the meeting. You can send an email to general@outonsunday.co.uk.  The agenda for the meeting will be sent out prior to the meeting.


Out on Sunday trustees, 6 January 2025.


January 20
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Event Category: