No walk programmed

No walk programmed at the moment. If you would like to offer a walk on this date please contact Colin by email: or by a WhatsApp message. Many thanks.

Philip’s Park

Patrick P is leading today's walk to Philip's Park in the Medlock Valley.

Pendle Hill

Dave H is our leader for this Lancashire walk.

Social Meet-up

Come along to the New Union on Canal Street on the  29th October  between 6 and 8pm for our monthly OOS social. It’s a great opportunity for a relaxed couple of hours to chat, have a drink and to meet other members of Out on Sunday.  Look for Paul  who will be wearing his Out […]

No walk programmed

No walk programmed at the moment. If you would like to offer a walk on this date please contact Colin by email: or by a WhatsApp message. Many thanks.

Social Meet-up

Come along to the New Union on Canal Street on the  26th November  between 6 and 8pm for our monthly OOS social. It’s a great opportunity for a relaxed couple of hours to chat, have a drink and to meet other members of Out on Sunday.  Look for Paul  who will be wearing his Out […]

RHS Bridgewater to Astley Green

Walk leaders :  Stephen M Grading of walk :  Easy Walk details :  This is an easy 5 1/2 mile walk along a well maintained canal towpath. The walk begins at the RHS Bridgewater car park, from there we make our way to the canal path and then a 2 1/2 mile walk along the path to the […]

Tatton Park

Walk leader :  David R Grading of walk :  Easy Walk details :  Tatton Park has become the traditional closing walk of our annual programme, and this year is no exception. It is an easy six mile walk through parkland and along established pathways. We begin at the Knutsford Entrance following a route alongside Beech Wood, heading for […]

Christmas Social Meet-up

Come along to the New Union on Canal Street on the 17th December  between 6 and 8pm for our monthly OOS social. It’s a great opportunity for a relaxed couple of hours to chat, have a drink and to meet other members of Out on Sunday.  Look for Paul  who will be wearing his Out […]