Out on Sunday logo
Now that we are well into September, it’s time to turn our thoughts to Xmas! Once again we will be holding the Out on Sunday Festive Meal at:
Cosy Club
Corn Exchange
on Sunday 19 December 2021
at 13.00 for drinks and chat followed by meal at 14.00
We will have a three course meal which comprises a shared tapas starter and then a choice of main and dessert: there is a Vegan option. The price is £32 (including a tip) and the menu is at the link below. Menu choices are not required in advance but pre-paid discounted drinks packages will be available.  
Two years ago over 40 of us came to the meal at Cosy Club, and we are hoping that as many of you as possible will come along this year.
If you would like to join us please
reply to me by e-mail to book a place 
(request Vegan option if applicable) and
pay a deposit of £10.00 to the Out on Sunday bank account 
Sort Code 01-07-20  Account 49209825  Reference: “Your Name”
The Reference is most important to enable us to identify who has made the payment
We need you to do this by Monday 27 September so that we can confirm the booking with the restaurant
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Out on Sunday