Out on Sunday logo
Thank you to all who replied to our consultation about the running of OoS. There was general acceptance of the proposals to set up a constitution, introduce a subscription fee and take out liability insurance.
We will start preparing a constitution for discussion, and enquire about premiums and cover for insurance (to be taken up when walks resume). As for the annual subscription fee, we will introduce it immediately at £15 with effect from 1 January 2021.
It may seem rather strange to be asking for financial contributions just at a time when we aren’t able to arrange any walks. However, we need to have funds in hand to pay the website costs, and to be able to take out insurance as soon as walks do resume. With only £3 in the bank we think it would be prudent to establish a small reserve.
We are therefore asking you to pay your subscription by bank transfer to
Name Out on Sunday
Sort Code 01-07-20                                                                       
Account Number       49209825
Reference    Most important: Insert your name here
If you are a couple, please include both your names in the Reference or make separate payments for each of you. The amount is £15 per person. However, if, like a number of members, you consider the amount quite low you may wish to make an additional donation: in which case simply insert a higher amount. This will help us to build up a small reserve.
You do not need to re-register on the website: that will be transferred for you. When we get your payment, we will send you a receipt and include you on a new membership list which will be effective from 1 March 2021. The current membership roll will then become invalid and those who have not transferred will cease to be members of OoS and will no longer be eligible to take part in our activities and events.
Like most social clubs, we intend to offer new members two months in which to sample our walks before they pay a subscription: details will be on the website.
We hope it won’t be too long before we can all get together again. Meanwhile, keep safe and well and enjoy your walking.
Dave, Geraint, Patrick & Phil
25 January 2021