Out on Sunday logo

The National lockdown is still in place, so there will be no group walks for the foreseeable future. In fact, some travel restrictions are being enforced more strictly. However, the government has promised to publish on 22 February a Road Map of its plans for the phased easing of restrictions. So it’s a matter of Watch this Space.

Walks Programme 2021

With no firm basis to work from we are still unable to announce a programme for this year. But we do have a few walks which are ready to go for the couple of weeks immediately after we get the go ahead. Since the government’s plans will not be announced until almost the end of February it is most unlikely that group walks will be re-introduced before the end of March at the earliest.

Subscription fee

Following consultation with walk leaders and members generally, an annual subscription fee has been introduced from 1 January 2021. It was felt that this was the best way to meet the on-going costs of the website, liability insurance and affiliation fees. The fee, a modest £15 for the current year, is being collected now.

Once walks resume, we will offer potential new members a two month “free trial” to encourage them to sample our walks and join us.

Out on Sunday WhatsApp 

With programmed walks suspended, our WhatsApp group is a good way of pairing up for walks and generally keeping in touch – not to mention posting beautiful walk-related photos! Use the link to find out more and to join.


There is now very promising news about vaccines and the progress of the vaccination programme. It may be possible to venture a tentative hope that the end of this pandemic is in sight. So there is now even more incentive to look after yourselves, follow the guidelines and don’t take risks.

Keep safe and keep walking!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     28 January 2021