Having closed the year with our splendid festive meal at Cosy Club last Sunday (thanks again, Patrick) and a reprise of the Dunham Massey walk next Sunday, we must now turn our attention to the coming year’s programme of walks and activities.
Our planning meeting for 2020 will be at
The LGBT+ Foundation
5 Richmond Street
Manchester M1 3HF
on Monday 6 January at 7.15pm
As well as producing a programme of walks we need to select a location for our Weekend Away and even farther ahead, a venue for our annual meal! The Heaton Park afternoon tea party was very popular the last two years. Does anyone have an idea for an alternative shortish walk with a bookable cafe at the end? Let us have your thoughts and ideas generally and especially offers to lead walks. If you cannot attend the meeting but have points to include then email us via Contact Us or direct to Phil.
If you wish to lead a walk just let us have a heading (details are not needed at this stage) with preferred date(s) and any to be avoided. The spring calendar is fortnightly from 26 January; summer is weekly from 03 May; and autumn is fortnightly between 06 September and 15 November. This year we would like to offer walks during the winter period to avoid the gap in our programme. In view of the reduced daylight these would have to be shorter walks.
Guidelines for anyone wishing to lead a walk for the first time are available on the website and we have experienced leaders who will be happy to assist novices!
We want to encourage as many members as possible to take part in the planning process and leading walks. So we look forward to seeing you at the meeting or hearing from you by email.
A Happy Xmas and New Year everyone.