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To All Group Members

cc Current Walk Leaders

 >>>>>>>>>>>> Update 31 December: Whilst suspension applies we will delay planning for 2021, but you can still put forward any walks you would like to see included, or better still lead!! >>>>>> contact us via the usual email address >>>>>>>>general@outonsunday.co.uk >>>>>>>>

Hello Everyone

Hope you are all keeping well and coping with the difficulties and anxieties caused by the COVID-19 virus. It has been a dreadful year but there is potentially good news in the discovery of the vaccine, so a promising sign as we approach a new year.


Planning for next year

Sadly, we have had to cancel our group Christmas meal this year and we will be unable to hold our Planning meeting as normal next month. We could try to arrange a meeting via Zoom or something similar, but these can be difficult to manage in practice. However, we do need to get ahead with planning our walks for next year. Especially, if you wish to have the first walk in January (this will depend on demand). We also have to bear in mind that for the foreseeable future, it seems that Greater Manchester will be subject to Tier 3 rules and our group walks will be only available to GM residents.


Walk Leaders

We have at present a small number of members who lead walks on a regular basis and we owe them a debt of gratitude for the effort they put into OoS. But it is unfair on them and unwise for the future of our group, to rely solely on them.

We urgently need more members to step forward and lead walks, and it does not mean a huge commitment (we are just looking to arrange walks on up to 14 Sundays for now). There is plenty of material on the website and internet both about leading walks generally and routes for particular walks (for instance  GM Walking and Visit Manchester  have several walks to meet our criteria. As well as this material we can offer mentoring with one of our current leaders who are only too glad to pass on their skills and knowledge.


Why not give it a go: we must have more new leaders if OoS is to thrive!




So, we are suggesting that 




We are sorry that due to Tier 3 regulations we are unable to include non-Manchester residents in our walks just now. As soon as the rules allow your inclusion we will revise our walk programme so you can join in again. Meantime you can use the WhatsApp group to invite one other member to join you to walk as a pair.  

Also, if you would like to lead a walk and live in an administrative area other than GM (but still within the normal OoS patch in NW England, for example Lancashire) we would be glad to include it in the programme and handle the bookings etc for you. In this example, the walk would be available only to OoS members living in Lancashire. If you are interested, please do get in touch.

Action for you This notice will be “for information” for many of you, but please do email us on general@outonsunday.co.uk if

Please let us have your replies by 28 December 2020


Geraint, Patrick, David & Phil