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Hello everyone.                                                                                                                       
On 1 January this year, Out on Sunday was in rather a perilous financial state with just £3.75 in the bank and no obvious source of income. So, one of the organisational changes proposed by the Interim Steering Committee (ISC)and agreed by the membership was the introduction of an annual subscription fee. This was intended to cover our overheads or running costs.
As a result of you paying your fee for 2021 and particularly through the generosity of those who added a donation to their fee, we are now able to end the year with a healthier balance of £865.85. 
The COVID-19 restrictions meant that 2021 was a rather fallow year, and little was spent on OoS activities The ISC has decided to set the 2022 subscription fee at just £10 for the year. This income, together with the balance in hand will provide seed corn funding for any activities the new Committee may wish to take part in. The adoption of a Constitution together with insurance cover and the risk assessment of our activities will all go to make it easier to bid for funding from other sources, if the group so wishes.
Subscriptions are due on 1 January 2022. Please make your payment  (£10.00) by transfer to Out on Sunday at
Sort code    01-07-20         Account 49209825 Reference   Your name
The Reference is most important: without it don’t know who the payment is from.
If payment is to be made from an account which does not include your name, please email to advise us.
Thank you and
Season’s Greetings from
Geraint, Patrick and Phil
Interim Steering Committee
Out on Sunday
02 December 2021