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Summer Update 2023

Weekend away : This year’s weekend away is to be held in Kendal from Friday 15 to Sunday 17 September.  Full details of the programme for the weekend including details of the group meal on Saturday are now on the website here.  There is also more information regarding accommodation etc in the preliminary article from May here.

Out on Sunday’s 25th anniversary celebrations : This year saw the 25th anniversary of Out on Sunday – the first walk was held in Heaton Park on 28 June 1998.  As part of the “Jubilee” celebrations we held a walk in Heaton Park followed by afternoon Tea at the Hidden Gem Cafe. The weather was typical June weather for Manchester – it threw it down!!  Despite this we managed to have an enjoyable day – some photos of the day on the website Heaton Park 25 06 2023.

2023 08 06 Liverpool Parks DA 01 crop

On August 6 we held a walk around some of Liverpool’s amazing parks, this was one of the last walks that Brian Murphy led for the group and we were delighted to welcome Brian’s wife Pat; their daughter Sarah and Sarah’s partner along on the walk. We were much luckier with the weather this time and had a great day out.  We stopped for lunch at the palm house in Sefton Park where we presented Pat Murphy with an Honorary Life Membership in recognition of her long membership of the group and her contribution over the years.  According to OOS “archives” Pat first walked with the group 0n September 6 1998 – a walk to Peel Tower, Bury making Pat the “longest serving” member of the group!  We all hope that Pat will be joining us on some of our walks from time to time.


A few more photos of the day here

Membership and walks update:  Since the start of the year we have welcomed six new members bringing the total membership to 73.  Several others have registered on the website, some of whom have tried a walk with the group – hopefully they enjoyed the walks and a few may go on to full membership.  During the first half of the year the group completed 19 walks – meaning we’re on target to match last year’s great record of 38 walks – thanks, as always,  to all the walk leaders who give their time to organise and lead the walks.  Following a vote at the AGM back in January, we purchased 6 basic First Aid kits for the group’s use, we had occasion to use one of the kits when one our walkers had an altercation with some barbed wire.  Luckily it wasn’t a serious injury but having the First Aid kit available meant that the wound could be cleaned and protected and the walk continued.  We all hope that we won’t need the kits but it’s reassuring to know that we have them. 

Chritmas meal :  This year’s Christmas meal is to be held on Sunday 17 December at the Cosy Club in Manchester.  Details to follow soon.

Paul BrownPaul Brown :  Finally, we have to end this update on a very sad note.  Paul Brown passed away at his home on Monday 21 August.  Paul was a long standing member of Out on Sunday and regularly used to lead walks for the group around the Manchester area.  In addition Paul had been a volunteer with Icebreakers for many years and enjoyed supporting men on their “coming out”  journeys,  Paul can be seen on the main photo of Manchester Icebreakers website.  Paul was a big ABBA fan and many will remember fondly Paul’s 70th birthday party (delayed due to the pandemic) at Barca in Manchester, complete with an ABBA tribute band. Fairly recently, Paul also went to the ABBA Voyage extravaganza which he enjoyed immensely.  Paul was a dear friend to many of us and he will be greatly missed.


A funeral service will be held on Tuesday 12 September 1.00 pm at Manchester Crematorium, Barlow Moor Road, Manchester, M21 7GZ.  Family flowers only but donations in lieu of flowers are invited to the Woodland Trust.  There will be a wake following the service