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Summer 2021 update – Walks information :: Hexham weekend :: Pride events :: and more!

Walks restart :
It was so good to be able to restart our walks in April and since then we have completed eight superb walks, great to be able to meet up again. We are also very pleased that several new members have joined the group this year and we now have over 70 members – a huge welcome to all our new members!
The news that we are in an area where the new Covid ‘Delta’ variant is spreading rapidly is disappointing, but the rollout of the vaccination programme means that many (or possibly most) of us will by now have received both doses of the Covid vaccine. This, and the continuation of sensible precautions in line with government guidelines means that the walks can continue – we have a full programme of walks throughout the summer up to and including the weekend away at Hexham mid September.

Autumn / winter walks programme :
There are some gaps in the programme for walks later in the year and we’d love to hear from anyone who can offer a walk.  If anyone hasn’t led a walk before but would like to do so, please get in touch – either by email general@outonsunday.co.uk or by mentioning it on a walk – walk leaders will be happy to help you with organising the walk, while it sounds a bit of a faff it really isn’t so bad.

Thanks Dave :
Due to other commitments David Hibbert has tendered his resignation from the interim steering committee.  The other members of the steering committee are obviously very sorry to lose Dave but entirely understand why he feels the need to step down at this time – there have been many changes in Out on Sunday over the last year and organising the group, not least in view of Covid, has become much more time consuming. A huge thanks to Dave for his highly valued input. You’ll be glad to hear that Dave will still be a fully active member of the group and will also be helping with the organisation of the Hexham weekend in September. We very much enjoyed Dave’s Wayoh and Entwistle reservoirs walk last Sunday, in fact almost as much as the local horse flies did!

Weekend away – Hexham :
Planning for the annual summer weekend away continues apace –  Patrick, Dave H, Alan O, Colin and Cliff are beavering away to make the Hexham weekend a success – the dates have been confirmed as Friday 17 Sep to Sunday 19th and if you’re planning to go it might be worth booking accommodation as soon as possible, there isn’t a great deal of accommodation in the town and availability may be less than normal for the time of year.  
The format of the weekend will follow the regular pattern – Friday : arrival and meet up in local pub for anyone who fancies that.  Saturday : main walk followed by evening meal. The weekend ends on Sunday with a shorter walk although some people may choose to arrive earlier and/or extend their stay. It’s guaranteed to be a great weekend – more detailed information to follow nearer the time.

Hexham – Saturday evening meal :
As is our tradition, we intend to dine together on Saturday 18 September at 7:30 pm.  With that in mind, a suitably large room has been booked for the group’s sole use at The County Hotel in Hexham, the menu for the meal is attached below (at the end of the article).
We hope that you will join us at The County Hotel for what is always a pleasurable event, whether you are joining us for the whole weekend or just for the day.
If it is your intention to attend this meal, please let Cliff Brooks know your choices from the menu no later than Wednesday 1 September. Cliff will collate everyone’s menu choices and will liaise with the hotel’s proprietor. Cliff’s email address is: cliffgbrooks@yahoo.com

County Hotel 3

We ask that you make your payment for your meal in advance to the Out On Sunday account and also to include a tip of £1/£1.50 depending on whether you are having two courses (£15) or three courses (17.50).
Out On Sunday account details:
Sort Code : 01-07-20
Account Number : 49209825
IMPORTANT : Please use your name and ‘Hexham Meal’ in the reference when making your payment.
We look forward to you joining us.

Midweek walks :
The idea has been mooted of organising shorter / easier midweek walks to complement our programme of Sunday walks.  The main focus of the group will remain very much on the Sunday walks but if anyone is interested in exploring this idea please get in touch with your thoughts.  As with the Sunday walks, they will only take place if someone is willing to organise and lead them, so if you’re interested in leading a walk (or walks!) maybe on a trial basis initially, get in touch by emailing general@outonsunday.co.uk

Out on Sunday website :

A work in progress so please bear with us!  The latest update is the addition of the “Governance” menu.  Here you can see the content of Out on Sunday’s constitution and also minutes of the Interim Steering Committee. In due course, minutes of Out on Sunday’s AGM’s will be added here and be available to all members. We’re aiming to be inclusive and transparent in all our activities – all members are encouraged to participate and contribute to the group. 

Volunteering opportunity : Manchester Marathon and Half Marathon :
Manchester Marathon and Half Marathon will take place on Sunday 10 October. We have been approached by the organisiers to ask whether we might be interested in offering some voluntary help on the day.  More details here Volunteers: Manchester Marathon

Pride Activity Across Greater Manchester 2021  :  pride events 2021
As always we are grateful to Carl Austin-Behan for keeping us up to date with all things LGBTQ+   Thanks Carl!