Out on Sunday logo
Walk leader :    David R.
Walk details :      
Look out for wallabies while enjoying folklore amid striking Staffordshire gritstone outcrops with this 5.2-mile walk in the Peak District National Park. 
Early spring is a wonderful time of year to do this walk, and with such striking scenery and the opportunity for numerous wildlife encounters, this Peak District gem is well worth the visit no matter what the season.
The crags and moorland are home to a great range of wild birds; listen for red grouse chuckling in the heather and watch out for birds of prey such as buzzards and sparrowhawks. More elusive residents are Bennett’s Wallabies. During WW2 a local private zoo released its exhibits into the wild, among which were these Tasmanian marsupials, the descendents of which have been occasionally seen.
This walk is quite strenuous as the first part (about a quarter of a mile) is a fairly steep climb up to the top of the rocks on a well defined path that is rough and uneven in parts, but we will take our time, taking in the views and it should be manageable for most walkers who have an average level of fitness.
We will be rewarded with beautiful views of the Cheshire plains, North Wales and Liverpool on reaching the top.  Once at the top of the ridge the path is rough and rocky so please take care with your footing.   We will find a suitable spot to have our lunch break and then continue to the trig point around 1600 feet.  From here we will descend to a road where there is usually an ice cream van waiting for those who would like a refreshment.  We will then continue our walk along a fairly quiet lane until passing through farmland where we will climb over several stiles as we walk down back to the road where we originally started from.

Terrain: The route follows lanes, byroads, moorland paths and woodland tracks. Expect mud and wear walking boots and warm clothing for the exposed ridge of The Roaches.

Refreshments:: Bring your own drinks and sandwiches to enjoy during the walk. There is also The Roaches Tea Rooms, Paddock Farm, Upper Hulme, Leek ST13 8TY

Tel: 01538300345  www.roachestearooms.co.uk   Open daily 9am – 4:30pm 

Risk assessment:
A risk assessment was carried out 13/03/22
Terrain: The route is rocky and the paths are very uneven and could be slippery so please take extra care at all times.  There are several stiles to climb over and there could be puddles of water if it has been wet.
Traffic:  We will walk along a quiet fairly narrow lane but there is occasional traffic so please be aware of this and stand to the side to allow vehicles to pass.
Livestock: Dog walkers please be mindful that there will be sheep around and keep control of your dog on a lead when required.
Weather: Walking  boots are recommended and waterproof clothing and a mat to sit on when having lunch.  Please bring water.
Covid-19: Please follow current guidelines e.g. you may wish to wear a face covering / use hand sanitiser if visiting the cafe.

Start time and meeting point: The start time is 12:30. Past the Roaches Tearooms Paddock Farm, Roach Road, Upper Hulme, Leek, Staffordshire Moorlands ST13 8TY.


Parking: There is a farm field on the left hand side just before the The Roaches Tea Rooms Paddock Farm, Upper Hulme, Leek ST13 8TY where you can park all day for £2 (put in a milk churn)  please bring the coins with you.  There is also free roadside parking but you can only park in the designated parking lay-bys  that are marked.  If you park on the verges you will receive a parking ticket as several cars were  fined on the day I did the recce.

Directions to the start: M60 Junction 3 follow A34 and then signs to Macclesfield A523.  Follow signs to Leek.  Follow A53 then turn off at sign for Upper Hulme.

Public transport: There is no public transport for this walk so please can walkers who have cars offer lifts if at all possible.

What/three/words: https://w3w.co/agreeing.printing.mandolin

Contact number on the day: 

Booking : Book your walk here using the link to the ‘Jotform’ booking form which we are trialling.