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Out on Sunday Socials

We will be hosting a social meet up for drinks on every last Wednesday of the month. The first meet up was held on March the 27th at the New […]

Gorton Reservoirs – July 21 2024

Thanks to Terry and Peter for arranging this walk at short notice. A nice easy walk around Gorton reservoirs passing through Fairfield Golf Club.  Great weather and good company, the […]

Marsden Moor – 7 July 2024

Jon lead this great walk up to Marsden Moor.  The “mixed” weather didn’t seem to dampen the spirits of the thirteen walkers but may have whetted their appetites for a […]

Castleton and Mam Tor – 30 June 2024

Out on Sunday’s last walk from Castleton, Derbyshire was back in 2016, when our leader was Paul Brown. So we were overdue a return visit. Our leaders today were Cliff […]

Welcome to our new website

Hello, we hope that you like our new website. It’s a work in progress and we will be developing different sections of the website over the coming weeks and months. […]

Disley and Lyme Park – 16 June 2024

Weather forecast completely wrong again – lucky for us!  Geraint W led this walk from Disley climbing gradually to the high point at the corner of Lantern Woods before descanding […]

Irwell and Kersal – 26 May 2024

Angel and Chris were our leaders today for this circular walk from Salford Museum to Kersal Moor, following the river Irwell. Fourteen of us defied the storms threatened by the […]